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Movie Biz


Movie Biz


Last Update 5-22-2023

Some pictures of thirty years in the motion picture buisness

After some years as an aerospace engineer I joined my brother Will in the movie business. We started as a technical service business called Tech-FX

We supplied the industry with technical services for motion picture and television. The services included graphics, software, computer and video equipment rentals, technical people and advice for what was called "Video and Computer Playback". If there was a scene that required "Playback" Let's say the character was searching the National Security Database; our company supplied everything required to "get the shot". Will and I had a great time for many years suppling these services. We were mostly seat of the pants because technology was moving so fast and if we didn't keep up with the changes we couldn't look as if we were the best. In that business you didn't always need the real thing you just had to look like it was the real thing. That is why they had the term "what's the gag" meaning what do we need to do to make it look real. Together Will and I worked on over two hundred television shows and two hundred movies.

Detroit-187 Quick pic of me with my Police screen.


"Red Ridinghood" A test show to see if a show could be shot all Bluescreen.


Not only all Blue screen but first test use of a 100% "Digital Mag" for camera.

The idea was a future replacement for film.

My setup is in front of the blue chair.




"Cut - Print That"


Oh my, you can see the "24 frame bar" in the camera monitor. Thank God the Fowler Brothers are there. . .


Set of Species 2 Will Shoots Mike


Sometimes when shooting at a practical location

I am in the shot.

The quick solution here was to dress me as a priest

working in the Vatican.

(Stigmata 1999)


Goofin' around on the set of



Trpical Gear for playback 1 or 2 Feeds

It all fits in my PT Cruiser


More strange places to do my job. (PLAYBACK)

"The Shield 2007" In an Adult Video Store

Mike Fowler Playback Engineer The Shield 2007 An Adult Alison Young Script Supervisor

Rohn Schmidt DP The Shield 2006xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Brent Extrand - Brother Playback Engineer

Dick Clark's "American Dreams"













One of the more interesting playback setups in a house in Hollywood hills.



Some Fun People we worked with


Rudy, John Candy and Mike

Sandra Bullock, Mike and Temuera Morrison

"Speed Two" (1994)

"Nothin' but Trouble"

Dan Akroid and Mike

Photo by Ivan Reitman



Will, Mike and 1st AD



Mike with Director James L. Brooks

Simpsons Creator

in Philly on "How Do You Know"


Villian in "Sky High" (2005)



Mike and Sigourney Weaver


Mike and his new assistant

"Junior" (1994)


Arnold's Movie "Junior" (1994)


One of a few shows with Billy.

One episode of "Nasty Boys" 1990 Billy drove up in his Christler to show me that he didn't have special pedals to drive.

Billy Barty was in the film WC Fields and Me in 1976 where an actor (Louis Zorch) played (My Grandfather) Gene Fowler.




Mike at Tech-FX


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